Day 266 with MJ

She consumes my time. Obviously.

Along with the other adventures I have found myself in:

Started up my photography business (Taylor Rhea Photography) and couldn’t be happier that I am doing something I love again. 

             You can see more on my Facebook page: visit my website 

Updates on Marlee Jo

  • Will be 9 mo on the 17th (heartbroken)
  • Has been crawling since 6 mo
  • Pulls up
  • Should be walking within the next week or so
  • Cut her 1st tooth last weekend
  • Waves and says “Bye Bye” 
  • Her favorite song is “Count On Me” by Bruno Mars (she grins and bounces on her butt when played) 

I have absolutely adored every month and every stage. I have noticed lately that Marlee has a different relationship with the members in our family. She remembers the ones we see more often and lights up when they reach for her. Her personality is 100% her own. My little diva. 



Birth Story


My initial due date was predicted to be October 9th, 2014. The duration of my pregnancy the baby had measured about two weeks bigger than average. At one point she measure over three weeks to big. I had started showing (overnight I swear) at about 11-12 weeks.

In the third trimester I knew there was absolutely no way I would make it to my due date. Every time I would go to stand I felt pressure. I had tree trunks for legs and was already in full on wobble mode at 7 months. I was totally swollen. At 34 weeks my blood pressure started to peak a little and my doctor wanted to start seeing me twice a week.

Morning of Monday, September 15th (34 weeks 2 days)

I drove to work and had the foggiest vision ever. Not very long into my shift (waitressing an On the Border) I get sent home for being extremely dizzy.

Lucky me! I got the day rest of the off and I didn’t want to waste it by myself. I decided to tag along with Cassie to pick up my nephew from elementary school. While we waited in the car rider line, black spots began to appear in my vision. I finally gave In and gave the doctor a call. And to my surprise he wanted me to go to the labor and delivery unit to get checked out.

I grabbed a few thing and rode to the hospital with Jackie and Cassie. I got hooked up to the machines shortly after arrival. My blood pressure was high like I had expected. The nurse told me I would soon go home after my OB/GYN, Dr.Dotson gave her feedback. The nurse returned with an oh so normal look on her face.

“Dr. Dotson has requested that we start your induction.”

No big deal guys. I mean I have only been waiting for that day for these last 36 weeks. We were in tears from pure excitement. (Aside from the nurse who was still all too casual) My hands were shaking as I signed the consent forms. I had to call Billy and the family to let everyone know. just a few hours ago I was counting the days until my little blessing arrived. I never actually thought this day would get here. I was coming to terms with being pregnant for the rest of my life. And then BAM. I get to open my present a few weeks early.

I got one last meal before they started the induction process. Because my cervix would be described as “not ripe” the plan was to give me Cytotec orally to help me efface. I took this pill every 4 hours. The nurse let us know that the birth would probably not happen until Tuesday. At this point (4:30 PM Monday) she predicted MJ would arrive around Noon on Tuesday. Billy got off work, went home to get the car seat and hospital bag and met me there. Cassie and Jackie went home to get some sleep. 

Through the night I was too excited to sleep. About everything 30 minutes I had to go to the bathroom. What was even more annoying was the fact that I had to wait for a nurse to come unhook me from the machines, walk me to the bathroom, and sit on the other side of the door and wait for me like I was 4 and getting my butt wiped. So that’s what I did all night, ring the bell so a nurse could take me to the potty. That and watch a little Netflix. 

The next morning my girls were back. Just like they promised. The nurse came to check my progress.

1 centimeter dilalated. Really? Contractions all night and I am at a 1? That is so discouraging. At that point (8AM Tuesday) the nurse was predicting that it would be later that evening for Marlees arrival. 

So there we were sitting and waiting. I stayed at a 1 most of the day. Around 5:00PM I was at a 2 and we started oxytocin (pitocin). Until that point the contractions were bearable. After being on oxytocin, I expected to dilate immediately.. And I didn’t. 

I didn’t sleep that night. And neither did anyone else for that matter. In the room throughout the night I had Billy, Cassie, Jackie, and Alli (my little sister). This was the most fun anyone could have in a delivery room. We were dancing, laughing, and acting like idiots. I decided to sit in the rocking chair and rock through my contractions. This seemed to be making my contractions quite a bit stronger. I continued to rock in that chair the entire night. 

I was finally at a 5

After the nurse checked me at 8:00AM on Wednesday I decided to get my epidoral. The pain was strong and with Pitocin you never know how fast you could progress. The epidoral was such a weird feeling. It felt like the needle was lacing in and out of the bones of my spine. It felt gritty. Like sandpaper was rubbing together under my skin as she pushed the needle up my back. I wouldn’t say it hurt though. It was just uncomfortably different.

After the wonderful wonderful awesome epidural I felt like I was floating. The nurse put a catheter in and I was set. Dr. Dotson stopped by to break my water. All I felt was a river rushing out from down under. My 15 year old sister, Alli, saw the whole thing. I may have scarred the  poor girl for the rest of her life because that is all she talks about.

I finally got some good sleep for a few hours before I felt an instant pressure. Just out of nowhere. This was so painful. I hadn’t even felt a contraction after the epidural but I felt this. I made someone get the nurse. 

“Honey, you’re still at a 5.. But I can get you another popsicle.”

Laugh. Out. Loud. A popsicle? Thus far I had felt like I was very strong. No complaints. This was no joke. I took the popsicle anyways. I was laying in that hospital bed eating my cherry popsicle. The pain from the pressure came in waves. Every time a wave came I would accidentally stab myself in the face with the popsicle. My body was pushing all by itself. As hard as I was trying to compose myself I couldn’t. 

“Someone get that damn nurse”

She came in looked under the sheet and you could see the shock on her face. Marlees hair was showing. She told me that she had never seen someone progress that fast. Like, yeah I tried to tell you lady. She went to get my doctor on the phone. It was time.

The nurse prepped the room for the delivery. Heavy duty lights lowered from the ceiling and were directly shining on my lady parts. Billy, Jackie, and Cassie are at my side. I could feel another wave of pressure coming and I grabbed the rails to prepare for the pain. Billy couldn’t handle seeing me like that. So he paced the delivery room.

Dr. Dotson finally appeared in the room. With the amount of pressure I was feeling, all I wanted/needed to do was push. When he tells me push I give it my all. I push twice and she is halfway out. Dr. Dotson took her little hand, faced her towards Billy and said “Hi, Daddy!”. Then one more push and she was here. 10:53AM Wednesday, September 17th. The room was quiet for a minute. I looked up to see the 3 people I loved the most in tears with me.

He laid that beautiful baby on my chest and the pain was gone. He stitched me up while I just held her. The love that you feel in that moment, when you finally get to see and hold her, is so overwhelming. The pain is nothing compared to the finished product and I would do it again to hold you like this, so fresh and new and mine..

Skin to skin with Daddy

6lbs 10oz, 19 in, freaking beautiful

Day 182 with you

Marlee Jo is 6 months

MJ is a big 6 month old now! So here’s where we are:

  • Sitting up by herself ^
  • Her first word is “Dada”
  • We east solids twice a day
  • We love love love to smile
  • She rubs mommy’s face when we cuddle
  • She likes to stick her finger all the way up daddy’s ear
  • She scoots a little and I don’t think it will be long before we have a crawler
  • She sings to us in the car (baby talk of course)
  • Less sleep, more play
  • Bath time is our favorite

Day 169 with MJ


On day 169

We were snowed in.. Well from the Texan stand point.

We got to stay in bed a little longer. Marlee Jo got to lay in bed with Mommy and Daddy for a few hours before we woke. I had to trim 10 little toe and finger nails off of my little one. (my most stressful job)


Today I also created my blog. I want to share my adventures through being a new mom, attending online school, losing this dreaded baby weight, and all other twists and turns along the way. Overall I want to grow and remember all the steps and feelings I have had along the way. We have a lot of catching up to do.